Hello, i'm
Devi Prasad

and this is my resume

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my resume


calendar_today Aug 2019 - Sep 2021

Masters in Biochemistry

St. Philomena's Post Graduation College (University of Mysore)

7.69 CGPA

calendar_today Nov 2015 - Nov 2018

Bachelors in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

Government Science College (University of Mysore)

60.85 %

calendar_today Apr 2013 - Mar 2015

PUC in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology

M Krishna Pre-University College (Karnataka State PU Board)

80.83 %

calendar_today Apr 2013

Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC)

St. Joseph's High School (Karnataka Secondary Education Board)

79.04 %

Project Details

calendar_today Jan 2023

Public API's

A web app which provides more than 1000 public API's for your Projects and Practice.

Used React Js, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

calendar_today 2022

Text Utility

This website is Built for Text related tasks like converting to UpperCase, LowerCase, Copying text, Counting Number of words etc.

Used React Js, Bootstrap

calendar_today 2022

News Project

This Website Fetches Realtime news from an API and displays it for user with infinite Scroling method.

Used React Js, Bootstrap

calendar_today 2022

Landing Page

This is a Landing page for a website designed with the reference of figma UI/UX provided by the Company.

Used HTML and CSS

about me

Hello, I am Deviprasad. I am from non-IT background but because of my interest in IT field I started learning Web Development and Programming. I have learnt to an extent of creating some basic projects which are mentioned above and Learning more.

I am passionate towards software development. Right now I am working as Software Development Engineer in a company called "Novel Office" whose goal is to provide office spaces to clients along with other necessary things.

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Learned Skills


web Technology

⮚ Good Knowledge on HTML attributes and tags.
⮚ Good understanding of CSS properties and values.
⮚ Good Knowledge in building Responsive webpages.
⮚ Good understanding on JavaScript(ES6) with object oriented programming.
⮚ Good Knowledge in React JS, function and Class based Components, Props, States, Hooks, Router.



⮚ Good in method Overloading and Overriding.
⮚ Strong in writing Polymorphism,Encapsulation,Abstraction programs.
⮚ Strong in Has-a and Is-a Relationship concepts.
⮚ Knowing the cocepts of Singletonclass and JavaBean Class.
⮚ Good in Collection topic such as List, Queue, Set.
⮚ Good in Map concepts,Thread Concepts.
⮚ Finally Proficient in Oops Concepts.



⮚ Strong in Hibernate Components.
⮚ Good in Handling both First and Second level Caching.
⮚ Good knowledge in writing a Hibernate Query language(HQL) and Criteria.
⮚ Good at Relationship One to One,One to many and Many to Many.


Spring Boot

⮚ Good at Creating 4 different ways of Spring-Boot Project.
⮚ Good at IOC,Dependency Injection.
⮚ Good at creating a Web-Services in a Spring-boot.
⮚ Good at Spring JPA.
⮚ Good at creating a SpringBoot Web Application.



⮚ Good in Retrieving the Data from the Database.
⮚ Good in Writing Subqueries.
⮚ Learning the Joins concepts.
⮚ Good in DDL,DML,DTL,DCL and DQL


Mongo DB

⮚ Good in Retrieving the Data from the Database.
⮚ Good in Writing Queries.
⮚ Good in Mongo DB Compass.
⮚ Good in Mongo DB Atlas.

my Certificates

Certificate From Jspiders

For Certificate verification and PDF Format :- Click Here

calendar_today Feb 14, 2023

Java Certificate From Sololearn

For Certificate verification and PDF Format :- Click Here

calendar_today Nov 23, 2022

React + Redux Certificate From Sololearn

For Certificate verification and PDF Format :- Click Here

calendar_today Jan 11, 2023


For Certificate verification and PDF Format :- Click Here

calendar_today Jan 21, 2023

HTML Certificate From Sololearn

For Certificate verification and PDF Format :- Click Here

calendar_today Jul 17, 2022

CSS Certificate From Sololearn

For Certificate verification and PDF Format :- Click Here

calendar_today Jan 15, 2023

Responsive Web Design Certificate From Sololearn

For Certificate verification and PDF Format :- Click Here

calendar_today Nov 29, 2022

SQL Certificate From Sololearn

For Certificate verification and PDF Format :- Click Here

calendar_today Aug 29, 2022

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